- By Item
- By Weight
- By Price
- Understanding the Rule Table
- Free Shipping Override per Fulfillment Service product total
- Free Shipping for Entire order product total
- Free Shipping is Default
By Item
By item rules let you specify how much to charge for shipping based on the number of items that belong to that fulfillment service within an order.
Per Item
You can use this to create a simple and quick rule for charging a certain amount per item and each additional item. Put the same value in both fields if every item ships for the same price regardless of quantity.

Table Based
You can create a table based rule that charges different amounts based on the number of items from a fulfillment service in and order.

By Weight
By Weight rules let you specific how much to charge for shipping based on the combined total weight of products that belong to that fulfillment service in an order.
*You must have weights assigned to the products in the corresponding fulfillment service for this rule to work properly*
Per Lbs/Kg/Gram/Oz
You can use this to create a simple and quick rule for charging a certain amount per weight unit.

Table Based
You can create a table based rule that charges different amounts based on the total weight range of items from a fulfillment service in and order.

*Change the weight unit for these rules in the app settings.

By Price
By Price rules let you specify how much to charge for shipping based on the combined total price of products that belong to that fulfillment service in an order.
Percent of Total
You can use this to charge shipping based on a percentage of of the combined price total of the products from the same fulfillment service.

Table Based
You can create a table based rule that charges different amounts based on the total combined price of items from a the same fulfillment service in and order.

Understanding the Rule Table
We created a rule table that is a bit different from what you may be used to from Shopify’s rule tables. We wanted to make it quicker and easier to input your table rules without having to do things like setting hard coded ranges. Here is an interpretation of an example of using a table for each of the rule types:
Table Based By Item

When there are 1-9 Items charge $2.50
When there are 10-19 Items charge $5.00
When there are 20-29 Items charge $15.00
When there are 30 or more items charge $0.00 ( Free )
Table Based By Weight

When combined product weight is 0 - 2.99 lbs charge $1.00
When combined product weight is 3 - 4.99 lbs charge $5.00
When combined product weight is 5 - 9.99lbs charge $10.00
When combined product weight is 10 lbs or more charge $15.00
Table Based By Price

When combined product price is $0.00 - $9.99 Items charge $2.50
When combined product price is $10.00 - $49.99 Items charge $3.99
When combined product price is $50.00 - $99.99 Items charge $7.99
When combined product price is $100.00 or more items charge $0.00 ( Free )
Free Shipping Override per Fulfillment Service
For each flat rate rule there is an setting for inputting a free shipping override. This free shipping override is always based on the total product price of products within the fulfillment that rule is applied to.

This feature will not apply free shipping to an entire order based on the product price, it will only return free shipping for the group of products within that fulfillment service.
Free Shipping for Entire Order Product Total
To create a free shipping override for the entire order regardless of the fulfillment services that are present, you will need to create a native Shopify Shipping Rule — A shipping rule set-up in the shopify shipping settings, not our app.
This Free Shipping Option will be presented at checkout alongside the rate returned from our app.

*We are planning on adding a global free shipping override in our app soon*
Free Shipping is Default
If you do not set-up a rule for a fulfillment service in a zone, by default there will be no shipping charge for those products, aka Free Shipping. You will see that before you add a rule, the shipping price will be marked a Free Shipping, waiting for you to Add a New rule to replace it.

This is true unless you enable the Rate Failure setting.