Now that you’ve set-up all or some of your rates, you can start to run some test checkouts to see how the app is working.
Use “Bambri” as first name at checkout
While in TEST mode, the app will only return rates at checkout when the first name for the shipping address is Bambri.
Rates will display alongside existing rates
Your existing rates will continue to show, in addition to the rates from the app. While in test mode all rates from the app will have the text [ASR Rate] added to the end of the title. This helps you to identify rates from our app vs. rates you already have set-up.
If do not see any rates with [ASR Rate] at the end, then double check that you used Bambri as the first name for the shipping address.
If you did indeed use Bambri as the first name, and you see no rates showing refer to the Troubleshooting Checklist.
Add letter to last name each time you test to bust the Shopify shipping cache
Shopify employs a shipping rate cache.
This means that if you submit a checkout with specific products and specific shipping address, and get to the the shipping methods screen, if you make changes in the app, and then refresh the checkout, the rates will not be updated.
To break the cache you need to change some element of the shipping address, or change the products/quantity in the order.
We recommend that you add a letter to the Last Name field each time you run a test checkout as a simple way to force Shopify to retrieve new rates.