What is a carrier service?
A carrier service is an app that displays shipping rates at checkout. Shopify comes with four built in carrier services for UPS, FedEx, USPS, and Canada Post.
There are 3rd party apps that function as carrier services for carriers that are not built into Shopify, like RoyalMail, Australia Post, Correios, etc.
There are other 3rd party apps, like ours that offer multiple different kinds of rates based on logic configured by the user in the app.
Carrier services are added to shipping zones with the Shopify shipping settings.
The app is automatically added as a carrier service on install.
As long as you have the real-time carrier rate feature added to your shop, then when you install the app it will automatically be added to the “Calculated Rates” section of all your existing shipping zones.
Adding the app to a zone
If you enable the real-time carrier rate feature to you shop after you have installed the app, you will have to manually add our app to each of your shipping zones.
- Go to Admin > Settings > Shipping
- For each zone click Edit
- Scroll to the bottom section titled Calculated Rates
- Click the Add Rate button
- Choose Advanced Shipping Rules from the dropdown menu
- Make sure to select Automatically offer new shipping services when they become available
- Click Done
Repeat this steps for each shipping zone.
Removing the app from a zone
You may want to choose some zones in which you want to use a different app to deliver rates, and remove the Advanced Shipping Rules app.
- Go to Admin > Settings > Shipping
- For the zone you want to remove the app from click Edit
- Scroll to the bottom section titled Calculated Rates
- Click the X button next to the Advanced Shipping Rules
- Click Save
Now, our app will not return rates anytime an address from that zone is used at checkout.
Check “Automatically offer new shipping services when they become available”
Because the app offer very dynamic rates based on the products in an order, you need to make sure to enable the setting Automatically offer new shipping services when they become available.
You may or may not see a list of available rates listed under the app, like you may sometimes see with other carrier rates. That is ok.