All rule based methods allow you to set a free shipping override based on the product total of products within that group.
The free shipping override field is contextual to the group that it is in. Think of it as a filter on the group's rate.
If you are looking for free shipping based on the criteria of other product groups or the entire order total, set-up a blending rule instead.
- You are charging $2 shipping per item
- The items each cost $10
- You set a free shipping override of $100
Outcome 1:
- Someone orders 9 items
- 9 x $2/item = $18 shipping
- 9 x $10/price = $90 total product price
- For this product group the shipping will be $18
Outcome 2:
- Someone orders 10 items
- 10 x $2/item = $20 shipping
- 10 x $10/pice = $100 total product price
- For this product group the shipping will be $0